Monday, February 21, 2011

You've Got a Friend In Me!

I finally got to meet with my conversation partner, Eiko Araki.  After my first partner never returned my e-mail, I was excited to meet my second partner that did return my e-mails.  Going into the meeting I knew very little about Eiko, but I did know that my experience was going to be different than anyone else’s.

            Through our e-mail correspondence, I learned that Eiko has a “4 years’ daughter” and that she was excited to meet me.  I could sense her excitement, but the fact that she had a daughter surprised me.  I was under the impression that I would be paired with someone my age. We decided to grab lunch on Monday, February 21 and I chose Potbelly’s on campus because it is my favorite and I wanted to share it with her.

            My class got out a bit early so I had to wait a few minutes at Potbelly before Eiko arrived.  I was actually a bit anxious so I used that time to call my mom and calm my nerves.  I was nervous I wouldn’t know what to say or wouldn’t be able to connect with her.  Finally, right on time, Eiko walked in. She immediately saw me and we exchanged greetings. She had the biggest smile on her face and I knew everything was going to be fine!  As we got our food, I paid for the both of us.  At first she was a little surprised, but I explained that it was my treat and that I have Frog Bucks! She laughed and said she’d buy next time.

            We began by telling each other a little about ourselves.  I learned her name is Eiko (pronounced ay-ko) and that she is from Tokyo, Japan.  She moved to Fort Worth in 2007 because of her husband’s job. He works for a Japanese company that has an office here. I told her I’m from Louisiana and to my surprise she knew that it was “the next state over.”  I was impressed because I have met some Americans who get confused as to where some states are (cough…my roommate).  I explained how my house is only a three hour drive from here and that my parents come to see me often.  Eiko then asked me an interesting question.  She asked if I was being paid to be her conversation partner.  I explained that it was an assignment and that I would benefit from it just as much as she would.  At that moment, she relaxed and began to talk a bit more.

            After the introductions, I could tell our conversation was slowing down.  I honestly had no idea what to say!  So I asked her something I’ve always kind of wondered, “Is Japanese food in American similar to what is found in Japan?” To my surprise she answered yes. Although once we started talking about sushi, she said it’s not the same.  When she eats sushi here, she mentally prepares herself for “something original.” If she gets it in her head that she’s going to eat sushi, she said it is a disappointment because it’s not like real sushi.  Her reasoning is that Fort Worth is too far from an ocean to have good sushi.

            While the topic of food is always a great one, I finally hit home when I explained how my roommate and I met.  I told Eiko that our brothers were in the same fraternity.  She had no idea what that word was! I began to explain fraternity and sorority life to her.  It was difficult at first.  Instead of calling each one a house or a chapter, I just simply said group.  She was fascinated that there were groups whose purpose was to become friends and serve the community.  She sat there with a huge smile on her face and soaked up every word I said.  When I finished, she told me how she doesn’t have many friends in Fort Worth and how she hopes that we will become good friends. I told her that I would love nothing more than to be friends with her and she smiled from ear to ear. 

As we left the restaurant, she insisted that she drive me back to the dorm.  I can tell she has a kind heart and I am looking forward to meeting with her again.  It is so amazing how despite our cultural differences and age, we quickly bonded and were able to talk like we’ve known each other.  Next time, we may take her daughter to the park to play.  Considering I love children, I am even more excited for that meeting.  I guess I’ll have two conversation partners instead of one!