Thursday, March 3, 2011

My BlogLog!

So if you haven't noticed, I've been extremely active in my blogging today! There's a reason for that. In my attempt to be organized and diligent with my blogging for this class, I made a checklist of the blogs I've done and need to do. Needless to say, I felt way behind and the need to start blogging more! So to Professor Williams: Get ready to read some blogs and comments! To my classmates: Please feel free to copy and paste this BlogLog for yourself! It's quite helpful! 

Here it is:


Conversation Partner Meetings:
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
Meeting 5
Meeting 6
Meeting 7
Meeting 8

Reading Response:
Response 1
Response 2
Response 3
Response 4

Blog comments:
Comment 1
Comment 2
Comment 3
Comment 4
Comment 5
Comment 6
Comment 7
Comment 8

Research Blog

Museum Blog

Happy Blogging!... Too bad this one doesn't count for anything! Bonus? :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claire, Thanks for your wonderful posts and excursions. I really enjoyed your library experience with the Vogue and your trip to the Modern. Thanks for the photos and descriptions, which I enjoyed. And thanks so much for your efforts not only to talk with your conversation partner but also to befriend her and her daughter. This is really meaningful to the program. I appreciate the above structure, but I think you're already doing great. dw
