Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Last Meeting

I completed my 8 meetings with Eiko! I was determined and I did it!

We met Thursday morning before my last final.  It was a nice break from studying and a great way to clear my mind before taking my test.  We had breakfast together and it was nice just to sit and chat with her alone.  It was sad to leave her.  I feel like it was more than an assignment for Eiko.  I sense that she does not have many friends to talk to, and she loves to talk.

She asked me a lot about my finals.  She doesn't seem to understand how a test can take two and a half hours, but I assured her that it is possible! She was surprised that they were all so close together and that I had to move out while I was also studying.  I'm not going to lie, I'm surprised I got it all done.

I asked her about her move.  I finally realized that she is moving to Southlake. I thought this whole time that she would still be in Fort Worth.  She and her husband are both taking loads back and forth themselves.  They will hire a moving company for the big furniture, but they are doing most of it themselves. It's a 40 min drive so that is definitely a lot of time and effort. Moving out of my small dorm by myself gave me a better perspective of what it requires to move.

Like I said, it was sad to leave, but I plan on keeping up with my relationship with Eiko.  This opportunity has definitely inspired me to be more involved off campus, aside from my studies.

Monday, May 2, 2011

BlogLog Round 2!

The end of the semester is so sad, but here's one happy thing for me... I'm done blogging! Well, almost!  It's definitely been a great alternative to turning in assignments and is also a GREEN option, but I'm just not the type to express my feelings through writing! I have enjoyed it more than I thought, but I can honestly say I won't be continuing to blog!  I have one more meeting with my conversation partner, which means one more blog to write after this one! If you don't believe me, check out my updated BlogLog below! I actually may even have an extra comment because I can't remember if I commented on anyone's blog before I started keeping track of it! Anyway... happy blogging everyone! 


Conversation Partner Meetings:
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
Meeting 5
Meeting 6
Meeting 7
Meeting 8

Reading Response:
Response 1
Response 2
Response 3
Response 4

Blog comments:
Comment 1
Comment 2
Comment 3
Comment 4
Comment 5
Comment 6
Comment 7
Comment 8

Research Blog

Museum Blog

I Wished There Was More Rice!

I met with Eiko for lunch at Potbelly again Monday, April 25.  It was fun because that’s where we had met for the first time.  This time was definitely more relaxed.  I couldn’t wait to meet with her, but she had to bring her daughter so our conversation was a bit more interrupted than it usually is.
The main topic of discussion was their most recent trip, a Disney cruise.  They had a blast! Eiko loved just being able to relax with her family.  The cruise left out of Florida somewhere near Orlando.  I’m not exactly sure where because it was hard to understand her.  They had some trouble with the flight there because of weather, but luckily they planned their travels a day early so that they wouldn’t miss the boat!
While on the cruise, they went to many shows and just relaxed by the pool.  I distinctly remember how amazing the food was when I went on a cruise years ago, so I asked how theirs was.  She said it was good, but not great.  She thinks the main reason is that it’s too “kid friendly.” I can completely understand that being on a Disney cruise.  To my surprise, she said she wished there had been more rice! I’m not trying to stereotype her, but she really did say that.  Eiko loves rice and that’s what she really wanted, but hardly any of the meals had rice with them.  I tried hard not to laugh, not at her but just the irony of the situation.
We also talked more about my summer plans and when I’ll return to Fort Worth.  I plan on going to see her new house when I get back to TCU, which I am really excited.  Hopefully I will have the chance to meet her husband, too.  We are going to meet one last time this week before I leave Fort Worth for the summer.  It’s going to be an emotional day, but I will release all those emotions through my next blog!